Start with light jogging on the treadmill. In order to pick up muscle, you could run at a fast pace and then come back to a normal jog at split intervals. Do this at least three to four times a week. The treadmill jog will help you in streamlining those essential calories which would otherwise burn up unnecessarily.
Dumb Bells and Pull-ups
The best exercises in order to build a strong back are with dumb bells and pull-ups. As boys would not have a problem with picking weights, you could try dumb bells and lift them at least 50 to 100 times. Make sure you rest in between your exercise routines. Pull-ups are another exercise routine that you can practice. Do as many as you can and make sure that you do not exert excessive pressure on your body and end up losing more weight than gaining.
Squats are the best weight lifting exercises recommended for boys. They are excellent for building one’s leg muscles. Doing a couple of lunges with dumb bells is also good for your knees and legs. If you frequently visit the gym, then you could also try out the leg press. It will restore vigour and strength in your legs.
For those of you who do not wish to go to the gym, you could always do exercises at home. Find time during the day to do at least ten to twenty push-ups and lifting dumb bells. Stretches have also been proven as an ideal exercise for gaining weight. Practicing pranayama and yoga especially in the early morning hours can deliver the best and long lasting results in your life.