Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know

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Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know
KayaWell Expert
Amla is a natural source of many vitamins and minerals for the body, especially for hair. Know the many benefits that it has for the body.
Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica) has been widely used in India and other parts of the world for over 5000 years. It’s an amazing food that offers several 
health benefits

Vitamin C

Amla is a rich source of vitamin C which makes it a natural cure for several disorders such as common cold, cancer and heart diseases. High vitamin C content in Amla also makes it a good choice for fighting scurvy.

Reduces Cholesterol

Amla is very effective in reducing bad cholesterol in the blood which makes it good for the heart. You may count on amla when planning a healthy diet chart.

Improved Digestion

The bitter and sour taste that is felt upon eating Amla triggers various taste receptors and makes the digestive enzymes active. The high fiber content in Amla makes it an amazing and quick remedy for digestive problems. Besides, it helps in healthy bowel movement and cleans the gastrointestinal tracts.

Hair Care

Amla is very popular among Indian households as a natural hair care remedy. There are several hair care products available in the market that contain amla extracts. Amla is believed to make hair healthy, thick, long and shiny.

Anti-Oxidant Power

Amla has several polyphenols that are capable of scavenging oxidizing radicals. It acts as a wonderful free radical scavenger to protect the body’s cells from the damaging effects of oxidation.

Boosts Immunity

Apart from several health benefits that can help you fight various diseases, amla also prepares you for the future as well. It boosts your immune response and helps you avoid problems like common cold and cough.
Healthier skin

Usually, the reason behind skin problems is poor liver functioning. Being a wonderful antioxidant, regular intake of amla can effectively detoxify the liver. As a result, you get healthier skin which is less prone to skin problems. 

Diet food

Amla is low on fat content and high on benefits. It makes a wonderful food for people trying to lose weight. It also helps in increasing the metabolism which leads to a reduction of accumulated fat from the body.

Nutritionally rich

Despite being low on calories, Amla is quite rich in nutritional content. While it provides only about 60 calories per 100 grams, it’s a rich source of several Vitamins and Minerals. It is also rich in carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

