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Offer of the day

silver jubilee celebration Offer | Save Rs. 7000 For Hair and Beauty services
  • Mr. Arun Parihar
  • Address g-3-4-5, anirudh apartment mhaveer nagar-1 near durgapura railway station , Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302018
  • Disorder Hair Coloring & Styling

Plague is a serious bacterial infection that's transmitted by fleas. Known as the Black Death during medieval times, today plague occurs in fewer than 5,000 people a year worldwide. It can be deadly if not treated promptly with antibiotics.The organism that causes plague, Yersinia pestis, lives in small rodents found most commonly in rural and semirural areas of Africa, Asia and the United States. The organism is transmitted to humans who are bitten by fleas that have fed on infected rodents or by humans handling infected animals.The most common form of plague results in swollen and tender lymph nodes — called buboes — in the groin, armpits or neck. The rarest and deadliest form of plague affects the lungs, and it can be spread from person to person.
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