Preparation :
👉 4-6 hours of fasting is required.
👉 Blood test report for Urea and Creatinine is mandatory. Please carry all your medical records to assist in better report detailing and correlation.
For Diabetic Patients:
👉 For diabetic patients, please inform us at time of booking so needful guidance can be given to you. This test can only be performed if blood sugar is less than 150 mg/dL at the time of testing.
👉 Incase your blood sugar levels are not under control, please plan your appointment after controlling your blood sugar levels with your treating physician.
👉 Do not consume excess sugar/starch/alcohol on night before test. For best results, please abstain from smoking for atleast 3 days prior to your test.
👉 Since a special time-sensitive FDG dose is procured for you, please be on time for your appointment. The test may not be performable if you are late for the appointment.
For Female Patients:
👉 If you’re pregnant or believe you could be pregnant, tell your doctor.
👉 If you’re breastfeeding, you may need to pump and store your breast milk 24 hours prior to the procedure — you won’t be able to breastfeed for 24 hours after the test.