advance health check up male (Lab Test)

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Soni Diagnostic Centre is offering you Happy liver,kidney& Heart  function | Complete  Checkup ( 42 Tests)

CBC (Coplete Blood check up)

Blood Glucose  Fasting  (Diabetes Check up )

 Post parandial Glucose  (Diabetes Check up )

Lapid profile (All Cholesterol Levels)

Lipid Function Test(Liver Function)

2D Echo (Heart Condition Check

Treadmill Test (Heart Functioning Test)

S. Creatinine (Kidney Function)

S. Uric Acid (Diagnosis of Arthritis )

S. Urea (Kidney Function)

Urine Routine ( Urine Infection)

Pulmonary Function Test  (Allergy &Function of Lungs)

Ultrasound Whole Abdomen (Sonography of Entire Stomach)

PSA (Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer)

Consultation by Internal medicine

Consultation Chest Physician

Consultation  by Dietician

Heart Disease
Kidneys and Urinary
Pancreas and Gallbladder
X-Ray Scan
Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies
