5 Ways To Improve Quality of Life For Seniors

Staggering medical advances and research in the health sciences have vastly improved the global quality of life expectancy of individuals, with a large role being played by early detection of disease, better management, greater choice of drugs, and other medical interventions.  However, the quality of life for any person is measured by more than just […]

7 mins read

Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Systems

It’s difficult to dismiss or ignore the pervasiveness of the  covid-19 pandemic. We now live in a new normal, one in which everything we do must be done with extreme caution. Bio-bubbles, social distance, and limits on meetings and movements are now commonplace. The covid-19 variant has gone through several modifications since its outbreak, the […]

8 mins read

Knee And Shoulder Replacement: Surgery, Cost, Procedure, Treatment And Side effects

Knee and Shoulder pain are the most common issues faced by people these days. Many types of minor shoulder and knee pain respond well to self-care measures. However, dismissing knee and shoulder pain, whether from an injury or degenerative condition, may result in more pain and reduced movement. The best thing to do is to […]

12 mins read
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