Dr. Juhi Tomar is a Clinical Embryologist and General Physician in Raja Park Colony, Jaipur and has an experience of 18 years in these fields. 13 year practice in UK and now practices at Evaa Super Specialty Hospital in Raja Park Colony, Jaipur. She completed MBBS from University of Pune in 2002. Service provided by the doctor is: Clinical Embryologist.
Health Condition
Past Experience
Medicine Department at Pune Hospital - (2003 - 2004)
Medicine Deparment at NIMS University, Jaipur - (2004 - 2005)
Medicine Department at Northern General Hospital, United Kingdom- (2006 - 2016)
Internal Medicine at EVAA Super Speciality Hospital, Jaipur - (2020 - 2020)
MBBS - University of Pune - 2002
Insurance Covered By
State License
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