Silver Jubilee Celebration OfferSave Rs. 7000 For Hair And Beauty Services
From: Sunday 15 July 2018
To: Saturday 15 September 2018
Hair Creation Salon, Durgapura, Jaipur is proudly announcing that we have completed 10 years successfully. So Hair Creation Decide to celebrate this special occasion Silver Jubilee Celebration with our valuable customers.
Silver Jubilee Celebration OfferSave Rs. 7000 For Hair And Beauty Services
From: Sunday 15 July 2018
To: Saturday 15 September 2018
Hair Creation Salon, Durgapura, Jaipur is proudly announcing that we have completed 10 years successfully. So Hair Creation Decide to celebrate this special occasion Silver Jubilee Celebration with our valuable customers.
Silver Jubilee Celebration OfferSave Rs. 7000 For Hair And Beauty Services
From: Sunday 15 July 2018
To: Saturday 15 September 2018
Hair Creation Salon, Durgapura, Jaipur is proudly announcing that we have completed 10 years successfully. So Hair Creation Decide to celebrate this special occasion Silver Jubilee Celebration with our valuable customers.
Renova Cancer Centre, RHL, Milap Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018 ,Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302018, India
About Me
M.D. in Radiation & Oncology from MGM
Medical College, Indore, 2018.
M.B.B.S. from NSCB Govt. Medical College,
Jabalpur, 2014.
Membership in the Association of
Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI)
Life member the of the Indian Society of
Consultant Radiation Oncologist at HCG Cancer
Jaipur from April 2021 to Sept 2022
Senior resident at HCG Cancer Jaipur from
March 2019 to April 2021.
Worked extensively on Varian
Vital beam Linac equipped with photons and electrons energy doing 3DCRT, IMRT,
IGRT, and adaptive radiation therapy with image guidance.
Worked on advanced radiation
oncology practices Stereotactic radiotherapy, Stereotactic body radiation
therapy, and Stereotactic radiosurgery.
Performed contouring and plan evaluation of various sites
such as head and neck cancers, pelvic malignancies, GI, and central nervous
system cancers in various curative and palliative intent settings.
Experience in ICRT application with more than 30 independent
ICRT procedures.
Assisted in Interstitial implant and Surface mould
brachytherapy applications.