Bananas: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits & Side Effects

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Bananas: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits & Side Effects
health benefits of bananas, bananas health benefits
KayaWell Expert

Are bananas good for you, bad for you, or something in between? Well, you don't have to go far to find the answer.

Learn everything you need to know about the health benefits of bananas and the side effects in this blog. 

Banana The Happy Fruit

Before we discuss the health benefits of bananas, do you know that the banana is also popularly known as “the happy fruit”?

Bananas are rich in tryptophan, which is turned into serotonin in the body, which is known to calm you, increase your mood, and make you feel happier in general.

But there are plenty of other reasons to make this yellow fruit your best buddy.

Banana: The No. 1 Superfood

We all have heard the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But do you know that the health benefits of bananas greatly outnumber those of apples? This is because they contain far more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts.

Banana is a rich-source of

       Vitamin B6




       Vitamin C


A single serving of a medium ripped banana contains 0 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber, 450 milligrams of potassium, 15 grams of natural sugar, 1 gram of protein,110 calories, and 28 grams of carbohydrate. 

Banana Fun Facts

     Bananas float in water

     Bananas trees are classified as herbs (as it does not contain true woody tissue).

     The banana tree's fruit-bearing stem dies away after the growth season.

     Bananas can be considered both a fruit and berry.

     Surprisingly, bananas and humans share approximately 60% of their DNA.

     A banana contains 75% water.

     Bananas are thought to have originated about 10,000 years ago.

     There are over 1000 varieties of bananas, but the cavendish banana is the most popular.

Alexander The Great and Bananas

Do you know  Alexander the Great had not eaten a banana until he attacked India in 327 BC?

The people of Southeast Asia, primarily in India, were the first to discover the health benefits of bananas. Later the Arab conquerors introduced bananas to Europe. A few centuries later, explorers and missionaries introduced this magnificent fruit to the New World and the Caribbean.

Bananas now account for nearly 75% of the yearly tropical fruit trade. They're the most exported fruit on the planet. 

Bananas: A Popular Fruit Worldwide

Who doesn't love bananas? Bananas are both tasty and healthy. Bananas can be used in several meals, baked items, as a topping on other foods, or just eaten raw. They're small and easy to wrap and carry in your bag or lunch box.

Bananas are also very simple to digest. As a result, they are an excellent first food for babies. They're also suitable for people who are ill or otherwise unable to eat a substantial meal.

Health Benefits of Banana

Bananas are one of the most healthy, practical, and tasty fruits available, as well as one of the cheapest. Be it kids, teens, or adults, the health benefits of bananas are for all ages.

Here are 10 health benefits of bananas.

1.  Rich in Nutrients

The first and foremost health benefit of bananas is their nutrient count. They are high in potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, among other vitamins and minerals. You may have seen a lot of athletes eating a banana during or after their game. Bananas are instant energy boosters for high endurance activity and sports.

2.  Supports Digestive Health 

Bananas are high in simple carbs that digest quickly. A ripe banana will assist you in recovering from gastrointestinal problems. It even causes the body to recover lost electrolytes from vomiting and diarrhea.

3.  Aids Weight Loss

Bananas' fiber content may aid in weight loss by enhancing fullness and decreasing hunger. On the other hand, bananas are not ideal for low-carb diets due to their high carb count. According to studies, increasing your soluble fiber intake can also aid in losing belly fat. Eat one banana every day as part of a balanced weight-loss diet.

4.  Boosts Heart Health 

Bananas should be part of your daily diet if you want to keep your heart healthy. Eating two-three bananas every day reduces heart disease risk factors significantly. It is rich in potassium which keeps your blood pressure balanced.

5.  Fights Aging

Antioxidant flavonoids are found in bananas. These are compounds that may protect your cells from free radical damage. According to several nutritional experts, they protect us from premature aging, heart disease, cancer, and possibly depression and anxiety.

6.  Banana for Healthy Skin

Bananas are also healthy for hair and skin, according to beauty experts. One medium banana offers roughly 13% of your daily manganese requirements. Manganese promotes collagen- a protein that makes up three-quarters of your skin and helps to protect your skin and other cells from free radical damage.

Applying a banana peel on your face improves skin smoothness and minimizes wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin C and antioxidants are abundant in banana peels. It also fades dark spots and gives the skin a more even and young appearance.

7.  May Support Exercise Recovery

If you enjoy exercising, the banana is a fruit that you must include in your diet. Bananas are high in potassium and carbohydrates, which help with exercise performance, muscle repair, and post-workout inflammation. After a grueling gym session, eat one banana right away or up to 30 minutes later for refueling and recovery.

8.  Enhances Memory 

Bananas are commonly referred to as brain food for a reason. Bananas, high in potassium and magnesium, provide energy to the brain and help it focus, improving the capacity to pay attention and learn. Bananas also include vitamins and nutrients that help to improve overall brain performance. According to studies, students who eat bananas do better on examinations and study more effectively.

9. Helps Fight Anemia

Bananas' iron content helps to increase iron levels and hence fight anemia. Black beans and salmon are two other iron-rich meals that can help with iron deficiency. In addition to iron, bananas are abundant in folic acid and B12. Eating two medium-sized bananas every day accelerates overall anemia recovery.

10.  Fights Period Cramps 

Bananas are high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, fiber, and other essential minerals, making them one of the best Period comfort foods. Women require the majority of these nutrients to feel good physically and emotionally throughout their periods.

It is the best mood-boosting food because it contains Vitamin B6. The presence of good fiber content also aids the digestive system's healthy functioning during periods.

Banana Side Effects

Banana is all-season favorite fruit and can be eaten in moderation with no significant side effects. The health benefits of bananas are simply hard to ignore. However, eating the fruits in excess is ill-advised.

Bloating, gas, cramps, softer stools, nausea, and vomiting are all possible side effects of bananas. They can also trigger allergic reactions in certain people.

While those with diabetes can occasionally have a banana, consuming too many can cause health complications.

The Bottomline

There is no fruit like a banana. It is easily available, extremely affordable, and has no major side effects. And the best part is bananas can be both healthy and yummy. You can add them to your smoothies, bread, muffins, salads, and more.  So what you are waiting for?

Add this super-food to your diet today and make most of all the health benefits of banana.

If you have any questions, get in touch with a health nutritionist near you now. 



Aylnlfdx Aylnlfdx 132 day ago
Aylnlfdx Aylnlfdx 132 day ago