Eye Cysts Chalazions

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Eye Cysts (Chalazions)

A chalazion usually appears as a painless lump or swelling on your upper or lower eyelid. Chalazia may affect both upper and lower lids and can occur in both eyes at the same time. Depending on the size and location of the chalazion, it may blur or block vision.

Although not as common, a chalazion may be red, swollen, and painful if an infection is present.

As the stye grows, the eyelid becomes swollen and painful, and the eye may water.
Most styes swell for about 3 days before they break open and drain.
Styes usually heal in about a week.
A chalazion starts as a firm lump or cyst under the skin of the eyelid.

Unlike styes, chalazia often don't hurt.
Chalazia grow more slowly than styes. If a chalazion gets large enough, it may affect your vision.
The inflammation and swelling may spread to the area surrounding the eye.
Chalazia often go away in a few months without treatment.
The chalazion is caused by a blockage in one of the tiny meibomian glands of the upper and lower eyelids. The oil these glands produce helps to moisten the eyes.
Inflammation or viruses affecting the meibomian glands are the underlying causes of chalazia.
Chalazia are more common in people with inflammatory conditions like seborrhea, acne, rosacea, chronic blepharitis, or long-term inflammation of the eyelid. They’re also more common in people with viral conjunctivitis or an infection covering the inside of the eyes and eyelids.
Eye Cysts (Chalazions)
