Best Home Remedies For Knee Pain

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Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions including arthritis, gout and infections also can cause knee pain. Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces also can help relieve knee pain. In some cases, however, your knee may require surgical repair.

Our knees are constantly at work whether we are walking, standing, or sitting. The consistent stress makes them vulnerable to injury and pain. However, there are some time-tested home remedies for knee pain to prevent the pain from worsening.

Anyone, not just the elderly, can experience sudden knee pain. Try to follow these simple home care tips for immediate knee pain treatment at home. Consult an expert if the pain doesn't go away within 24-48 hours.

A. Your First Line of Defense: The R.I.C.E. Method

Step 1: Rest

Pain is your body's way of alerting you that something is wrong and that you should be cautious. Stop any activity that reiterates the pain in your knees.

It's difficult to know how serious an injury or strain is right away.

As a result, if you choose not to rest, you risk exacerbating the illness and delaying your recovery. 

Step 2: Ice

Ice is a natural pain reliever. Applying an ice pack to the pain site lessens pain and inflammation by reducing blood flow. Also, stiffness is less likely to occur when you use ice.

Ice is most effective when applied within the first 24 hours of the onset of knee pain. Apply an ice pack (wrapped with a light, absorbent towel) for 15-20 minutes every two to three hours for the initial two days.

Step 3: Compression

Wrap a medical bandage around the painful area. It will help to prevent swelling. Don't wrap the bandage too tightly, or it will restrict blood flow. If the skin under the dressing turns blue or feels cold, numb, or tingly, loosen it.

Step 4: Elevation

Lying down with your knee raised and supported on pillows can help lessen pain and swelling. Raising a painful body part above your heart reduces throbbing, swelling, and discomfort. Even if you're not using an ice pack on the injured area, you should keep it elevated as much as possible.

B. Over-The-Counter Medications

If you can move your knee after a few hours and the pain is mild, you can use generic pain medicines such ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin I.B., and others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve).

If you're wondering how to relieve knee pain at night, the measures above and pain relievers will be highly beneficial. It will help you alleviate discomfort and sleep well.

C. Other Secondary Remedies

While the solutions listed above will provide quick relief, there are more long-term knee pain relief options. You can use the bottom remedies for knee pain treatment at home.

1. Exercise

There is no better way to increase your knee strength and mobility than exercise. Exercise is used to cure osteoarthritis, tendonitis, meniscus tears, and damaged knee ligaments, among other frequent causes of knee pain.

You can also try Tai-Chi if you're searching for a less rigorous alternative. It is a mind-body exercise that improves balance and flexibility.

Tai chi can aid in the reduction of pain and improve mobility. Deep breathing and relaxation are also involved. These elements may also help you manage chronic pain and reduce stress.

2. Weight Management

Obesity increases the risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. However, did you realize that carrying excess weight puts extra strain on your knees?

While one may not realize it initially, extra weight can cause chronic pain. Even a 5 kg increase in weight can put another 30-60 pounds of pressure on your knees. If you're overweight and experiencing knee pain, decreasing weight may help relieve the pressure.

3. Hot and Cold Therapy

Heat relieves pain and muscle spasms. If you are experiencing only pain and there is no swelling, it's OK to apply a heating pad to the pain area.

However, if there is swelling, apply ice for 24 hours before switching to heat.

Follow these tips to carefully use heat and cold therapy:

     Never apply heat for more than 20 minutes to the affected area. Check that the heating pad isn't too hot before using it.

     If the affected area is damaged or swollen, don't use heat therapy. Instead, take a warm shower in the morning to relax stiff joints.

     For the first two days, apply cold pads for 20 minutes. Never apply ice directly to the skin.

     Switch between cold and hot therapies 3-6 times a day. 

4. Use Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine has been in practice for centuries now. However, no substantial scientific research or study backs up its efficacy in pain reduction.

Traditional alternative medicine may include:





     Chinese or Oriental medicine.

If you are using medications for some underlying health condition or chronic pain, consult your doctor once before trying any of the above remedies.

5. Consider Using Knee Supports

Knee braces offer support to the area of the knee experiencing pain. A knee brace is also very effective for everyday activities like standing and walking. Even if the pain is severe, a knee brace is more than handy to relieve pain and improve mobility.

However, you should seek advice from a professional before using it. There are different types of knee supports and braces. You should choose the one that best serves your needs.


Food plays a role in minimizing knee discomfort as well. It can aid in the reduction of swelling, stiffness, and pain. Here is a list of 7 foods that can help with unexpected knee pain:

     Fatty fish

     Green tea


     Dark leafy greens


     Flaxseed · Walnuts

     Orange root vegetables 

When considering knee pain treatment at home, assessing the degree of pain is essential. Home remedies may be effective in mild to moderate knee pain. But for severe pain, it is always wise to consult an expert first.

Inflammation, arthritis, and minor injuries usually go away on their own. However, if the pain is moderate to severe, or if the symptoms persist or worsen, you should see a doctor for a complete evaluation.

Aging or recurrent stress on the knee might cause sudden knee discomfort.

Knee discomfort that develops gradually or due to more vigorous activities can be treated at home. Mild discomfort or pain can be safely monitored at home for two days. If, upon assessment, the self-care approaches seem ineffective, consider visiting a doctor.

If a forceful impact causes your knee discomfort or if it's accompanied by other symptoms listed below, make an appointment with your doctor.

     Swelling is significant.


     Tenderness and warmth in the vicinity of the joint

     Significant discomfort


If minor knee discomfort has been bothering you for a while, see your doctor if it intensifies to the point where it interferes with your daily activities or sleep.

Seek medical help right away.

If your knee discomfort is from an injury and exhibits the following symptoms:

     Popping noise when the knee was hurt

     Inability to perform everyday activities like standing, walking

     Intense pain and discomfort

      ●     Swelling 

When you first notice knee discomfort, it's easy to ignore it, especially if it's mild to moderate. However, while specific home remedies are effective for particular types of knee pain, ignoring others can result in more long-term damage.

Experts suggest that most people do not assess the severity of the knee pain until its too severe. It not only aggravates the pain but gives rise to some other complications. It's always wise to consult a doctor if the pain does not go away on its own within 24-48 hours.

You can now consult a doctor online with Kayawell. Search from our directory of best knee experts near you now.  

Knee Pain
