Liver cancer, also known as hepatic cancer, is a cancer which
starts in the liver, rather than migrating to the liver from another organ or
section of the body. In other words, it is a primary liver cancer.
Cancers that originate elsewhere and eventually reach the liver are known as
liver metastasis or secondary liver cancers, and are most commonly from cancer
of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (colon cancer), lung cancer, renal cancer
(cancer of the kidney), ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.
The liver, which is located below the right lung and under the ribcage is one
of the largest organs of the human body. It is divided into the right and left
lobes. Nutrient-rich blood is carried by the portal vein from the intestines to
the liver, while oxygen-rich blood reaches the liver from the hepatic artery.
All vertebrates (animals with a spinal column) have a liver, as do some other
animals. The liver has a range of functions, including detoxification (getting
rid of toxins), synthesizing proteins, breaking down fats, and producing
biochemicals that are essential for digestion. We cannot survive without a
The exact cause of liver
cancer is unknown, but most cases are associated with damage and scarring of
the liver known as cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis can have a number of different causes, including:
drinking excessive amounts of alcohol over many years – read more about alcohol
having a long-term hepatitis B or hepatitis C viral infection
haemochromatosis – an inherited disorder in which iron levels in the body
slowly build up over many years
primary biliary cirrhosis – a long-term liver disease in which the bile ducts
in the liver become damaged
It's also believed obesity and an unhealthy diet can increase the risk of liver
cancer because this can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
You may be able to significantly reduce your chances of developing liver cancer
avoiding or cutting down on alcohol
eating healthily
exercising regularly
taking steps to reduce your risk of becoming infected with hepatitis B and C
Although liver cancer is relatively uncommon in the UK, the chances of
developing the condition are high for people with risk factors for the
Over the past few decades, rates of liver cancer in the UK have risen
considerably, possibly as a result of increased levels of alcohol consumption
and obesity.
Symptoms of liver cancer
are often vague and don't appear until the cancer is at an advanced stage. They
can include:
unintentional weight loss
loss of appetite
feeling very full after eating, even if the meal was small
feeling sick and vomiting
pain or swelling in your abdomen (tummy)
jaundice (yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes)
itchy skin
feeling very tired and weak
Visit your GP if you notice any of the symptoms listed above. They're more
likely to be the result of a more common condition, such as an infection, but
it's best to have them checked.
You should also contact your GP if you've previously been diagnosed with a
condition known to affect the liver, such as cirrhosis or a hepatitis C
infection, and your health suddenly deteriorates.
Treatment for liver
cancer depends on the stage the condition is at. If diagnosed early, it may be
possible to remove the cancer completely.
Treatment options in the early stages of liver cancer include:
surgical resection – surgery to remove a section of liver
liver transplant – where the liver is replaced with a donor liver
microwave or radiofrequency ablation – where microwaves or radio waves are used
to destroy the cancerous cells
However, only a small proportion of liver cancers are diagnosed at a stage
where these treatments are suitable. Most people are diagnosed when the cancer
has spread too far to be removed or completely destroyed.
In these cases, treatments such as chemotherapy are used to slow down the
spread of the cancer and relieve symptoms such as pain and discomfort.
Liver cancer is usually diagnosed after a consultation with a GP
and a referral to a hospital specialist for further tests, such as scans of
your liver.
However, regular check-ups for liver cancer (known as surveillance) are often
recommended for people known to have a high risk of developing the condition,
such as those with cirrhosis.
Having regular check-ups helps ensure the condition is diagnosed early. The
earlier liver cancer is diagnosed, the more effective treatment is likely to