80 More Fixed-Dose Combination Drugs Banned By Health Ministry

Do you use Painkillers or Antibiotic Medicine?

If Yes, Then Please stops using these and know about that Government has been banned 80 more fixed-dose combination drug including Antibiotics and Painkillers. Read full article and Check the list banned drug list.

The medicines were ruling the market since last 20 years on the basis on the individual states licenses but not the Central government. Means theses medicine companies had taken permission by only state governments rather than central government which may cause harmful for health.

But now, The Union Health Ministry had taken the decision and banned 80 fixed-dose combination drugs, including painkillers, antibiotics fever, blood pressure, insomnia, fungal & bacterial infections and anxiety.

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As Government has already banned 325 medicine drug in last September, 2018 and including 80 medicines, now the total number banned medicine has been 405. 


According to the government notification ban has been in force form January 11, 2019.

According to the Official Notification, some of the medicines that have been banned including antibiotics such as Taxim -OZ, Cefglobe OZ, bacterial & fungal infections drug like  Vaginobact and Orflaz kit, hypertension drugs medicine Telipril H and Loram H and anti-anxiety drug Resta (Paracetamol+ Alprazolam).

Is there any side effect of regular use of Painkillers Medicine?

If you are asking this query then yes, it has several side effects.

Regular use of painkillers and Paracetamol medicine drug has short term and long term side effect that may affect your health also.

Some of the Short-term effects of painkiller include:

  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Addiction

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Some of the long-term effects of painkiller include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Broken relationships
  • Liver and/or kidney disease or failure
  • Collapse of the respiratory system
  • Lowered immunity
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Impaired mental function
  • Death resulting from toxicity or overdose




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