Dr Abhishek Gupta, is a renowned name for orthopedics services
in Rajasthan.
Practicing at Jaipur hospital, Indus Jaipur hospital, Jaipur
& visiting consultant with C K Birla and Shalby hospitals, Dr Gupta is
recognized across the subcontinent for his knowledge and skills of shoulder and
knee problems and their surgical as well as non surgical management. He is
actively involved in social activities as well as creating awareness on various
platforms. He is regularly invited as a faculty for all major reputed
Orthopedic conferences and workshops.
He has numerous publications/ awards to his credit.
He is a humble and well grounded human being and takes patient
care as his prime priority.
His evening consultation clinic in "ORTHO WELLNESS AND
JOINTS CLINIC" at Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur.
You can discuss your personal health issues after an appointment.
Health Condition
MS - Orthopaedics - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, 2009 - 2009
MBBS - Sardar Patel Medical College, 2003 - 2003
State License
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