Burns are a serious public health problem. A burn is defined as an injury to the skin or other organic tissue primarily caused by heat or due to radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction or contact with chemicals.
Heat burns occur when some or all of the different layers of cells in the skin are destroyed by a hot liquid (scald), a hot solid (contact burn) or a flame (flame burn). Skin injuries due to ultraviolet radiation, radioactivity, electricity or chemicals, as well as respiratory damage resulting from smoke inhalation, are also considered as burns.
According to WHO estimates about 265 000 deaths occur each year from fires alone globally, with more deaths from scalds, electrical burns, and other forms of burns for which data are not available. The majority of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, with almost half occur in the WHO South-East Asia Region.
In India around 7 million people suffer from burn injuries each year with 1.4 lakh deaths and 2.4 lakh people suffer with disability. Burn death rates have been decreasing in high income countries.
Females and males show similar rates for burns in contrast to other injury patterns where rates of injury are higher in males than females. The higher risk for females is associated with open fire cooking, or unsafe cook stoves, loose clothing. Self-directed or interpersonal violence is also a factor for burn injuries.
Along with adult females, children are also vulnerable to burns. Out of 5 burn victims 4 are women and children. Burns are the fifth most common cause of non-fatal childhood injuries and 11th leading cause of death of children aged 1-9 years. Among all people globally, infants have the highest death rates from burns.
Burns are also a leading cause of morbidity; millions who survive suffer from lifelong disability and disfigurements with resulting emotional trauma and stigma.
Burns are preventable. Increased efforts in prevention and care would lead to significant reduction in burn-related morbidity, mortality and disability.
The National Programme for Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Burn Injuries (NPPMRBI) is an initiative by the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to strengthen the preventive, curative and rehabilitative services for burn victims.
- From: Sunday 15 July 2018
- To: Saturday 15 September 2018
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